Kitchen Table Therapy symbolizes all things practical, true and comforting. The Kitchen Table is a timeless communication center and “subliminal peace keeper designed to encourage conversation” and healing.

At the Kitchen Table, we are experts in living, loving & working with struggle, failure, pain, rejection, and finally, the joy that comes from digging deep and unearthing long buried passion, happiness and meaning.

One client with a sense of humor recently quipped, Cindy is “known throughout the land” for effective ADHD therapies that improve marriages, parenting, and careers impacted by poorly managed or undiagnosed ADHD. Connecting over coffee at The Kitchen Table, makes things possible… heals, soothes, & straightens bent psyches…

When negatives hijack your life, growth & change get snuffed out. Relationships die. You become isolated, depressed and vulnerable. Sadly, some become addicted to the negativity, comfortable in their pain. These people are the real-life Walking Dead.

Undiagnosed and untreated ADHD & other mental health / relationship challenges lead to chronic negativity, pain, sadness and anger. Emotional sickness WILL, eventually, turn physical. It hurts you AND those you love.

Emotional pain frequently manifests as physical pain – a scientific phenomenon called Psychogenic pain. It is caused, increased or prolonged by negative mental, emotional or environmental factors. Daily, millions suffer this pain & spend thousands on medical treatments /medications that bandaid the “wound” but never cure the underlying problem.

The “Kitchen Table” Approach to counseling is a professional, therapeutic relationship that facilitates much more than “feeling better” about yourself, your relationships and your life. The approach is about getting what you need AND what you want so that you not only survive in life, but you thrive!

The “Kitchen Table” Approach, LLC, is a unique, therapeutic experience in managing and overcoming real-life problems and clinical mental health disorders. Traditional “therapy seating” is replaced by a warm welcome into a safe, comfortable, home kitchen-like environment complete with beverage and a homemade cookie! 

                                            “Welcome this pain, for someday it will be useful to you”        -Ovid

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What is YOUR pain? A failing marriage, business, friendship? Depression? Chronic Frustration? Anger? Overwhelm? Are you disorganized? Distracted? 

Anxiety and sleep problems? Maybe your pain is undiagnosed /untreated ADHD.

Are you a newlywed or new parent? Maybe you’ve lost the love of your life and you are struggling with life as a widower or widow. Retired and thinking it’s not what you expected?

MENOPAUSE! Are you there and thinking it’s some kind of cruel joke?

Maybe you are “just lucky” and you are dealing with dual diagnoses (ADHD & Diabetes, Bipolar & Substance abuse)?

Come to the table! Counseling & coffee – Best at the Kitchen Table!

Not making time to really hear someone is the most fundamental way we as human beings disrespect each other. Kitchen Table Therapy symbolizes all things practical, true and comforting. The Kitchen Table is a timeless communication center and “subliminal peace keeper designed to encourage conversation” and healing.

“Cindy turns talks over cups of coffee into helpful, real-world strategies… If you are not at her Kitchen Table, you are going to miss out!