Did you know that a B-vitamin deficiency in a person over forty can look like early onset dementia and that a deficiency in B vitamins can cause depression in people of any age? Read on, to learn what to eat to improve brain function, prevent depression and avoid “hangry” melt-downs.  What you learn can be applied within minutes of reading.

Welcome to my Kitchen Table Counseling blog, where the coffee is always hot and you’re always welcome to sit-n-chat with me, “That Coffeecup Counselor”

It may be true that Counseling – A Kitchen Table Approach, LLC is “known throughout the land” for effective ADHD therapies and women’s life-span issues, but did you know you can come to the table and get help with diet and mood management too?
Today, our Sit-N-Chat blog serves up a few tidbits about how what you eat impacts your mood and behavior. The best thing about today’s offering is that what you learn can be applied within minutes of reading this blog and finishing that cup of coffee or tea! Your entire family can benefit from what you take away from the kitchen table today.

2017_0312B_chickenChicken Fingers and Bananas: Managing Your Child’s (And Your) Mood With Food
If it’s a Thursday night about 5:30 and you are headed into a Kroger’s Market after work with your tired and grumpy child, it’s possible, that at some point within fifteen minutes of entering the market lil Suzy will begin whining, crying, or writhing on the floor. It may happen in Dairy. It may happen in the cereal isle. You are at Krogers and it’s almost 6 PM. You are tired and hungry. Lil Suzy is probably “just done!”

Hungry + Tired  = “Hangry
Suzy is probably “hangry” Go directly to Deli. “Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.” Request a single chicken finger. It will be a dollar. Place the single chicken finger in demon-child’s right hand then proceed to Produce. In Produce, “steal” a banana and place it in your child’s left hand. You will pay for the banana peel along with the gallon of milk and toilet paper you came in to buy. This will cost you an extra fifty cents. You will not care. You will know in your heart that you acted in “the best interest of your child” (and every exhausted adult in Kroger’s) that night. The protein building block, Tryptophan in that chicken finger will help boost Suzy’s Serotonin levels. This will sooth her and boost her mood, thus, taking the edge off her “hangry” mood.  The banana will be a great “pick-me-up snack” for hangry Suzy because it provides carbohydrate in the form of quick-releasing sugars and this will take the edge off her tiredness. Peeling the banana will serve to keep her hands busy and her mind occupied while you wait in line at check out.

Turkey – Not Just For Thanksgiving Anymore
Maybe you’ve heard, turkey isn’t just for Thanksgiving anymore; and Turkey’s cousin, chicken, is actually a healthy, delicious, and versatile protein that is truly much more than just an option on the children’s menu at the Golden Arches. Both these white meats contain Tryptophan, a protein building block that helps make serotonin. Serotonin boosting is key when dealing with depression.

2017_0312B_applesThere really is something to the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, particularly when it comes to your MENTAL health and well-being.
The Kitchen Table is a huge promoter of good nutrition. Eating the proper foods on a daily basis can literally change your life and the life of your family. Your health will improve. Your mood will improve. Your brain functioning will improve! The number and intensity of angry outbursts and tantrums will decrease. So, go forth! Eat green leafies and protein-packed foods at regular intervals throughout the day; and, talk to your doctor about wether supplemental vitamins and minerals are necessary for you or your child.

Children and adults sometimes fail to get enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for good mental health and well-being.
Many times, for a zillion reasons, people do not get adequate amounts of necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for good mental health and well-being. A  B-vitamin deficiency in a person over forty can look like early onset dementia! A deficiency in B vitamins can cause depression in people of any age. Vitamin Bs are IMPERATIVE when it comes to mood management. Vitamins B12 and B9 (Folate) are particularly important. Eat plenty of seafood, beef, milk and eggs. Leafy green veggies, asparagus, lima beans and lentils are also great sources of B vitamins.

The Relationship Between Low Vitamin D Levels and Magnesium
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If you listen to news programs or spend any time with your medical providers, you are probably aware that many people these days are lacking in Vitamin D and magnesium. It’s important to take Magnesium with your vitamin D supplement as it helps the body absorb the vitamin D. Milk and enriched juice products as well as canned fish and whole grain breakfast cereals can help you maintain proper levels of these depression-preventing vitamins.

Going “Nuts”?
Do you feel like you are going nuts most days? It may be that your Selenium intake is not adequate. Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, beef, brown rice and fish contain Selenium. Individuals whose diets are low in Selenium are at higher risk for depression.

Beta-carotene – Not Just For Eyes Anymore
If you love you some sweet potato fries, pumpkin pie in moderation, and if you get pumped for the day by downing a tall glass of carrot juice along with your scrambled eggs and side of cantaloupe, its likely that you are already getting enough Beta-carotene. This mineral does wonders in keeping depression at bay. If you are a woman anywhere near menopause (typically 48 and older) and you are experiencing depression and / or anxiety for perhaps the first time in your life, it may be that the healthy diet you’ve always done well with, is failing you. If your normally jovial child or teen has become moody, anxious, depressed – seemingly over night, he or she may have a nutritional deficiency.

If life is handing you lemons and you’re tired of making lemonade, come have a cup of coffee and sit-n-chat with me at The Kitchen Table.